posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +42 / -0

People DO care about the Freedom Convoy to Ottawa.

Why won’t NPR cover actual news, and why does NPR bore its listeners to death with fluff pieces about people that nobody had heard of and nobody cares about.

Up next on NPR,

Shes Indian, and shes getting married, but she’s not sure if she wants a traditional Indian wedding...

Yes that was actually a fluff piece they carried not too long ago.

NPR needs to be defunded, and taken off the air. The air waves are a public utility, and NPR should not be granted a monopoly on any frequency, just so they can pump out bullshit all day.

What else is NPR doing today?

Trying to scare their listeners, by yammering on and on and on about Russia, Russia, Russia,

While failing to understand that nobody is buying their Russia BS anymore.