Yesterday (Sunday) my daughter, a senior at a high school here in CA, posted on her social media that the time has come for students to ban together and not wear masks, beginning Monday. She has a huge social media following and it exploded quickly. At first, a ton of disgusting comments from the obnoxious loud mouths. But as the day/evening went on yesterday, the tide has turned to much more positive feedback.
Her post was shared/reposted by kids at other local schools and it quickly snowballed. Someone must have alerted the district that my daughter was getting bullied online, so last night the school sent out an email to parents of all students, and also told my daughter that they would have a police officer to walk her to classes, for her safety. Not that she needs that, as over 20 boys from the school's sports teams (her boyfriend is varsity football) have messaged her saying they would be walking her to classes.
About 40 kids stood firm today, no masks, and were sent home. She doesn't know if this will increase tomorrow, or lose momentum, so we'll see how it goes.
Students are in a very unique position to help end this tyranny world wide. They likely don't own anything, some have a job but nothing they need to desperately keep to feed themselves, truly they have nothing to lose and the whole world to gain by fighting this. Plus what kid likes school, it's a total no brainer to fight this as a kid/teenager. Thanks for posting this, it's icing on the cake to my mom finally waking up and my sister and her fiancé have realized this is bullshit now too.