To be honest, we had a conversation in the early 1990s when Clinton was president and I was serving. I was pissed about something and I started telling him about it over the phone. And I said something like, "And what's worse is I don't even agree with (whatever it was) because we're Republicans, right?" And he responded, "Uh, hell no I'm not a damn Republican."
It went downhill from there. I could not believe the rest of the "Democrats are for the working man and all Republicans do is cost me money." He had a whole diatribe about being Democrat and I left the conversation in complete dismay. My entire family excluding me is Democrat. I'm through and through conservative, so I felt like I learned I was adopted as an adult.
My dad and Grama were Democrats and thought that same way, that the Democrats were for the people and Republicans were for big businesses and that’s all I (learned about government as a kid). I now think totally different. Democrats stand for everything immoral and evil and Republicans (actually ones that aren’t Rino’s) are for godly morals and smaller government that isn’t controlling people but rather by the people .
To be honest, we had a conversation in the early 1990s when Clinton was president and I was serving. I was pissed about something and I started telling him about it over the phone. And I said something like, "And what's worse is I don't even agree with (whatever it was) because we're Republicans, right?" And he responded, "Uh, hell no I'm not a damn Republican."
It went downhill from there. I could not believe the rest of the "Democrats are for the working man and all Republicans do is cost me money." He had a whole diatribe about being Democrat and I left the conversation in complete dismay. My entire family excluding me is Democrat. I'm through and through conservative, so I felt like I learned I was adopted as an adult.
Same with us sailors. Just can't understand how he can be liberal after what he saw and went through. I just shake my head.
My dad and Grama were Democrats and thought that same way, that the Democrats were for the people and Republicans were for big businesses and that’s all I (learned about government as a kid). I now think totally different. Democrats stand for everything immoral and evil and Republicans (actually ones that aren’t Rino’s) are for godly morals and smaller government that isn’t controlling people but rather by the people .