90% of the total food supply in Hong Kong is imported food. The Mainland is our most important food source, especially for fresh food. 94% of fresh pork, 100% of fresh beef, 92% of vegetables and 66% of eggs in Hong Kong come from the Mainland.
No fresh vegetables on the supermarket shelves here. Hasn't been since the beginning of January, just ramped up this week. Having bare shelves is really rare, in fact, not even sure if it has ever happened in the 20 years that I have been here. And gas is up 15% for 2 weeks already.
Now, China and Hong Kong are ramping up lock-downs and the fear (could be because they want more security for the Winter Olympics).
But now, I can see, it may be that their economy is about to go full belly up and that's why they are pushing hard to control the population using the pandemic as an excuse.
They're going to use the covid excuse, or going to be the excuse, to trick the population for the idea of no fresh produce:
"5 cross-border drivers test positive for Covid-19, unionists say Hong Kong’s fresh food supplies may take some time to fully recover"
The collapse could be soon, can't give you a time frame but since everything is globalized if China sneezes it's going to affect everything.
That's the current situation here. Stock up guys, at least for a month. Very important.
Thanks. Are you good?
I honestly don't know. For the food situation, I'm going serious food shop tomorrow to buy more rice and tin food, I should at least prepare for a month but likely I'll buy for two. I have two months worth of cooking gas. Water and electric they should keep on to prevent us from serious rioting.
I can only hope that XI and Putin is working with Trump to get the financial reset into a new system away from their central bank system. This interim stage will be bumpy for everyone, not just this side. Speculating of course but hope is always good.