Election fraud? They wanted to get caught.
Plandemic? They wanted to get caught.
Their goal in doing these things was NEVER to get away with it, their goal is to destabilize societies.
You all are doing an amazing job at not giving them what they want, which is chaos. But realize, as things unfold, they are NOT trying to “get away with it”, they are trying to rub your face in it, and get you to react, so there will be a veneer of legitimacy to the next stage of their plan.
I'm one to agree with their hand is forced. It's just too clown-world and in our face. They need us, and the brainwashed masses, to get mad and take action. And devote ourselves to never let it happen again. Without enough people on board, the White Hats could fix everything, but the people would let it slide right back into corruption.