In order to dull the blow, we started moving all our manufacturing jobs overseas to slowly prepare our population for when these jobs suddenly dissapear.
So instead of suffering all at once, western countries have been tapering off of manufacturing over many years.
Also, what happens to a country like China, who is completely addicted to manufacturing money, when the hammer falls?
Finally, to completely prevent population instability, they introduced the clott shot right before the robotics revolution is scheduled to kick into gear, removing the final leftover elements of the population that are still dependent on these soon to be extinct jobs to survive.
I think they've managed to scare people into believing AI is something that it is not.
The more capable an AI the more the processing power goes up exponentially.
I'm in the process of learning how to write Neural Networks and let me tell you, the processing power required to do a lot of the math is tremendous.
The other thing you see, is that it isn't actually intelligence. It's a biased random number generator that ends up reflecting the person who wrote it.
If we ever figure out how to code emotion, then there might be something to worry about, that's the big factor between humans and machines. Machines cannot ignore math, they must follow the math as it was written in their code. Humans can decide to go against all rational and logical thought and make decisions that have no basis on anything. A machine cannot do that. Even random number generation follows rules.
Humans cannot be removed completely from the equation. Why do you think there is such an effort to control the human machine? They probably figured out that something like skynet would never work in their lifetimes... or would be effectively dead with one array of numbers missing. So they need to rapidly go about turning us into controllable slaves.
well said.
there is a pressing issue, however, of automating manufacturing processes with robotics. it's rapidly replacing the lowest skill workers. now consider the vast majority of illegal immigrants who don't have the capacity to ascend to more complex work. they already account for the majority of social security payments. and they are easiest to control. and those they can't control, kill, or disable, they'll declare a dissident.
We keep trying to automate things at work. All the machines have managed to do is replace one highly trained operator with two or three low skill technicians that keep the machine supplies.
The other factor is, the investment to actually replace a work force with complete automation is out of reach of all but the largest companies.
I agree with this. AI is made out to be far more cool like in the movies, then it really is. AI that can think, we are way off, if it’s even ever possible.
Low level repeatable tasks can be done. So to OP’s point, yeah, maybe manufacturing jobs, a lot of those will be replaced because it’s repeated activities that doesn’t take a ton of intelligence.
Which incidentally require more higher-level workers to maintain and repair. Also the errors pile up much faster than with humans, and oy the ones foreseen by designers are detected.
Have you seen the abysmal attempts at engineers being graduated lately? Not just the USA.
No, what do you mean? Like, the numbers are low or the quality is low or both?
Here's a practical example of AI. Go to and drag a blurry head shot of someone into the page and watch it get fixed in just a few seconds. I think you can do a photo or two without a paid account. Some of the results are amazing, some aren't. If the photo is bad enough, the software fails entirely. I've had some good results there. It can also colorize black and white photos. That works best on outdoor photos, where it can tell where the sky is and the trees and grass. It can also correct the color on faded color photos. Here's an example of a colorized photo:
There's also a computer program called Topaz AI that can remove the blurriness from an entire photo, not just the face. It works well on many photos.
I use both pretty often, and I could never duplicate what they do.
The only option is death to the cylons