The Crackpipe deal Violates Federal Law at most every step
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"Those who make the laws are allowed to break or change the law for their own benefit". I think I heard that somewhere.
Isnt it like the 666th amendment? In the US Constitution
And the cucks in the Republican party look on, while they quietly jack each other off
Meanwhile, the tax payer is getting raped by strangers
Lock Biden up for this!! We AMericans are enraged by this stupid stupid proposal. The only one who may like it is Hunter.
next will be crack dispensaries, is there a herion or meth shortage?
or is this someone cracking a joke at hunter?
Rules are only for plebs like us
I’m no legal expert, but would they not be exempt from the law?
(f) Exemptions This section shall not apply to— (1) any person authorized by local, State, or Federal law to manufacture, possess, or distribute such items