Fat pig with a I want to speak to your manager hair cut, and trouble glasses. I'm guessing she drives a PT cruiser as well because she's a cool mom and this is what cool moms drive oh, and I can't forget her husband is fucking the girl who makes him his sandwich behind a dumpster at Subway and she wonders why he's never wants to have sex with her.
How many morbidly and hugely obese health directors are there in the US? Looks like she has Smithfield hams where her arms used to be.
B/c it's not about health, and they are shoving the absurdity in our faces.
Look at any hospital at the obese nurses, just a parade of gluttony and laziness.
Hey now remember, Mah FaT iS bEaUtYfUl 🤮
It should be Lisa Turkey since she likes to gobble all the time...I know, its corny, but I had to do it
Big fat leftist slob.
Fat pig with a I want to speak to your manager hair cut, and trouble glasses. I'm guessing she drives a PT cruiser as well because she's a cool mom and this is what cool moms drive oh, and I can't forget her husband is fucking the girl who makes him his sandwich behind a dumpster at Subway and she wonders why he's never wants to have sex with her.
What an enormous woman (?)
That woman is obese. I'm going to send a mask that tells her to lose weight and stop worrying about masking little kids.
What a Liblard.