Anyone who cannot summarize, IN THEIR OWN WORDS, did not read or watch what they are talking about, or they did not understand it.
No summary is disrespectful to this community. We all have thousands of hours of information that could be checked out here. So, we have to decide for ourselves what we want to spend time on and what we don't.
By not giving a summary, you are disrespecting all of us, and showing that you are lazy and lack credibility. This goes for OP, you, me, and anyone else who posts anything that could take time to wade through, but does not have the decency to post a summary.
Anyone who cannot summarize, IN THEIR OWN WORDS, did not read or watch what they are talking about, or they did not understand it.
No summary is disrespectful to this community. We all have thousands of hours of information that could be checked out here. So, we have to decide for ourselves what we want to spend time on and what we don't.
By not giving a summary, you are disrespecting all of us, and showing that you are lazy and lack credibility. This goes for OP, you, me, and anyone else who posts anything that could take time to wade through, but does not have the decency to post a summary.