When two countries are in conflict, for example Russia and the U.S. hypothetically, and a citizen with Russian and U.S. citizenship, who is their allegiance with? Or someone with with Afghanistan and U.S. citizenship, can we depend on allegiance to the U.S.? You have to be aware of the enemy within. There are also many immigrants, who do not have citizenship, because they love the U.S., just like there are many U.S. born who do not love the U.S. and for decades collaborate with the enemy. I contend Ilhan Omar does not love the. U.S. I disagree with dual citizenship just like I disagree with anchor babies and DACCA. Many women enter the U.S. illegally to have babies in the U.S. due to automatic U.S. citizenship and the rights it entails: education, food stamps, housing, legal representation, health care for pregnant mom and then children at birth and for years after, etc. yes, children were brought here illegally through no fault of their own, but if we did not grant illegals all of the privileges that citizens don’t necessarily get, they would come LEGALLY. Same applies for dual citizenship. They need to assimilate, learn the language, know our history, serve in the military/volunteer. Anything given free, is not appreciated as much as if you have to work for it. Perhaps with your comment to me, you hold dual citizenship? My question is, why come here and hold citizenship, if you still feel the pull of your country and the desire or need to hold citizenship elsewhere?
I think dual citizenship should be discontinued. You can’t hold allegiance to two countries, especially one as opposite as China. Decide.
Tens of millions of Americans have dual citizenship. There is nothing wrong with having it and you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
When two countries are in conflict, for example Russia and the U.S. hypothetically, and a citizen with Russian and U.S. citizenship, who is their allegiance with? Or someone with with Afghanistan and U.S. citizenship, can we depend on allegiance to the U.S.? You have to be aware of the enemy within. There are also many immigrants, who do not have citizenship, because they love the U.S., just like there are many U.S. born who do not love the U.S. and for decades collaborate with the enemy. I contend Ilhan Omar does not love the. U.S. I disagree with dual citizenship just like I disagree with anchor babies and DACCA. Many women enter the U.S. illegally to have babies in the U.S. due to automatic U.S. citizenship and the rights it entails: education, food stamps, housing, legal representation, health care for pregnant mom and then children at birth and for years after, etc. yes, children were brought here illegally through no fault of their own, but if we did not grant illegals all of the privileges that citizens don’t necessarily get, they would come LEGALLY. Same applies for dual citizenship. They need to assimilate, learn the language, know our history, serve in the military/volunteer. Anything given free, is not appreciated as much as if you have to work for it. Perhaps with your comment to me, you hold dual citizenship? My question is, why come here and hold citizenship, if you still feel the pull of your country and the desire or need to hold citizenship elsewhere?
One cannot serve two masters.