Trevor Mallard is the Speaker of the House in NZ Parliament. Well he's ordered that the sprinklers are turned on in the Parliament grounds and will remain on throughout the night until the protesters leave. Firstly, it's raining in Wellington now. Secondly, Wellingtonians have been under major water restrictions for the past month as it has been a long dry spell - but well "rules for thee, but not for me" I guess. He is very much one of the most hated people in government right now, but this plumbs new lows of petty vindictiveness - even for the old skanky duck. He was out yesterday on the Parliament balcony with a cuppa enjoying watching the dirty cops stick the boot in. I guess it's nice for the rest of the country to see the reality of their future play out in front of them. I've been wondering for a while that we have lost the country, at least now I don't have to waste anytime wondering any more - it's here.
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Pretty funny watching a bit of Kiwi ingenuity: Traffic cones parked on the sprinklers so that the water runs onto the path, not the lawn. It IS raining, so people really don't care.
I hope he chokes on his gingernut.
The second wave has arrived and they've now taken over the nearby Old Parliament buildings across the road from the Beehive, the presence has doubled now and a further wave of Apostle Tamaki's Destiny Church and the Mob are arriving tomorrow. People are now spam calling the local council (it's after 10pm here now) about the obnoxious waste of water on the petty sprinkler stunt during a drought. The narrative might be getting away from the government!
He's supposed to be a socialist, he clearly never thought to listen to any of the wise words from JFK "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable".
Mallard is Labour's mirror version of disgraced National's Nick Smith (boy lover)