A mask never touched my kids face for those two years. Not once. I just said "no". And I dealt with the consequences. We missed birthday parties for them. We were kicked out of my son's kindergarten graduation. But there's something empowering about being able to shout " shame on you!" As loud as I could over and over again to every single faggot parent and faggot faculty as we're escorted out by the assistant faggot deputy.
All I heard was crickets. Heads all hung down in shame.
I get the anger. I'm angry about it too. But y'all didn't do shit about it.
I'm a firm believer that masked children are a direct result of bad parenting above all else. All parents had to do was stand up for their children.
I get the sentiment of the targeting the children aspect but any parent who allowed a mask on their child's face is the one that did it to them. It's a victim-type mindset to only be angry at the state. When you say "our children" with no other context alluding to whether it's your actual children or the collective "our" children, it sounds like you put masks on your children. So that would have been your fault.
I'm just saying, drive it home that the parents were the ones that masked their children. Nobody elese.
A mask never touched my kids face for those two years. Not once. I just said "no". And I dealt with the consequences. We missed birthday parties for them. We were kicked out of my son's kindergarten graduation. But there's something empowering about being able to shout " shame on you!" As loud as I could over and over again to every single faggot parent and faggot faculty as we're escorted out by the assistant faggot deputy.
All I heard was crickets. Heads all hung down in shame.
I get the anger. I'm angry about it too. But y'all didn't do shit about it.
I'm a firm believer that masked children are a direct result of bad parenting above all else. All parents had to do was stand up for their children.
I get the sentiment of the targeting the children aspect but any parent who allowed a mask on their child's face is the one that did it to them. It's a victim-type mindset to only be angry at the state. When you say "our children" with no other context alluding to whether it's your actual children or the collective "our" children, it sounds like you put masks on your children. So that would have been your fault.
I'm just saying, drive it home that the parents were the ones that masked their children. Nobody elese.