Check out Trump's response when asked about becoming speaker of the house...
Still think we're delusional?
"Frankly, I hope we don't need it because what should happen is the plan that we're on now and I think a plan that's gonna make people very very happy, we'll be announcing sometime later and that's really what should happen..."
Sounds like he has a plan to come back before the midterms. One that doesn't involve becoming speaker of the house!
Full Interview: https://rumble.com/vultd6-wayne-allyn-root-interviews-president-donald-j.-trump-2822.html
It's just one guy pushing the speaker thing. I never took it seriously.
Yeah it's such a convoluted order of operations. Either multiple states decertify by end of the year or we're in this shit til 2024.
Potentially till end of the year, if we take house and increase senate lead
That's been done before and doesn't get us anywhere. Look at 2010. Devolution appears to be the only way to reset this country to the intent of the founding fathers.