Let’s accelerate that process. Humanity awakening from its enslavement to allopathic medicine in a faster manner will shift the timeline forward such that we skip a lot of pain and suffering.
Indeed, the Global Cult agenda depends on this process being slowed as much as possible (since it is the nature of timeline dynamics that the awakening does occur; it’s not a matter of if; it’s when). The Global Cult is banking on keeping people brainwashed and thus easy to control and manipulate.
Spread this document. May not open in brave:
And then this:
https://book4you.org/book/5418297/958a07 What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong Dawn Lester, David Parker
I am happy to answer any questions.
For starters, there isn't one single answer. The very convenient "one bug, one drug" mainstream narrative has conditioned us into thinking in a very particular, albeit incorrect way.
What's blatantly missing is the power of our minds. Not that this is the one and only explanation for all dis-eases and situations. What you're asking about resembles what we call "the flu" today. This is really a catch-all term to describe general malaise, mucous membrane irritation, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. Albeit, it would seem even within the household, each person doesn't always display all the identical symptoms, duration nor severity of the illness.
I've worked with over a dozen people who claimed to "have Covid". No two had even remotely identical experiences aside from being energetically flattened. Some for only 2-3 days, others lasted several months. Other than that, no two identically shared symptoms. There was some similarity and crossover, but hardly any way you could scientifically conclude "exact same thing happened to both/all".
I believe that what is happening with "Covid" is something new and unique in the annals of known history. It is the releasing of long-held and repressed negative feeling/emotion that is coming to the surface. In this case however, said feelings/emotions are myriad, having no single commonality across the board, which explains the wide variety of symptoms, intensities and durations. And this hypothesis also makes sense as the normal releasing/allowing of these feelings to arise very specifically explains the dis-eases that claim the most lives - e.g. cancer, heart disease, heart failure, lower respiratory illness, etc. And each of these have very specific, tell-tale symptoms when they are overcome. Death occurs when they are not overcome.
And the cause for this, which I constantly get poo-poo'd on for, is greater amounts of light arriving on the planet. As Q would say "Dark to Light". This is why "nothing can stop what is coming", because it is the light shining in heretofore hidden, dark places. Said light is pushing away the debris in our bodies.
The practice of yoga, which is much, much more than just physical stretching, also produces these types of results when regularly done. The yogis/gurus know full well that humans store unresolved traumas within the physical body. In time, the practice of stretching yoga enables these to be released without having to deal with these emotions consciously. In a way, it allows for a merciful release. I believe the constellations of symptoms known as "Covid" is effectively doing the same.
Now, onto "the flu". As mentioned, I don't all so-called "flus" can be explained away by one explanation. However, there seem to be some commonalities we can agree on. First, that a change in the weather seems to trigger the onset of them usually. Likewise, a change in humidity and barometric pressure. Flu season in the northern latitudes is different from flu season in the southern latitudes, and likewise from the tropical regions (monsoon season). What all these latitudes do have in common is very similar humidity and barometric pressure when flu season hits the masses.
So it does appear that there is some reason certain people cannot gracefully adapt to these changes. Is there just "one reason"? I highly doubt it. Typically, when a person gets a fever, the rise in bodily temperature is causing the body to excrete/expel something from it. Call it a toxin, a poison, something unwanted. Again, it can't just be "one thing".
I also believe flus are related to our lack of exposure to the natural world - fresh air, connection to the earth, sunshine, etc. All of these elements serve to detox us in so many ways. They also serve to maintain an electrical balance, an ionic balance in the body.
Now, why does everybody in the family get this at the same time? Well to be fair, you've only had rare experiences of this, as have most of us. MOST of the time, this does not happen. Only one of you gets sick. It's rare that all or the majority in the household all get sick at the same time. You're simply remember "that one time" it happened.
I theorize that in addition to all of the factors mentioned above, you and your family members also intimately share common environmental inputs. Living quarters, food supply, water supply, air supply, psychic factors, stressors, common outlook, and perhaps most importantly, a shared vibrational rate (otherwise, you couldn't stand to be around each other).
Taking all of the above into consideration, seeing your wife being to rebalance/detox (getting the flu) signals your body to check and see if it would be in your best interests to do the same, to maintain your familial balance and homeostasis. This is effectively the explanation around "exosomes", since you follow Kaufman you're likely familiar.
Exosomes do precisely this within our bodies, they are exchangers of information between cells. They've been quite easily proven to exist, have been truly isolated, purified and characterized, as well as visualized. And as luck would have it, they're INDISTINGUISHABLE from so-called phantom "viruses"...hmmmm?
While the predominant medical pedagogy insist exosomes operate only "intra-body", how big of a stretch would it be to presume these are indeed passed from one body to the next, signaling those around you of a potential threat, a toxin needing to be eliminated, etc.?
I believe this is as a viable explanation. I further argue that this is why you don't seem to "spread your dis-ease" to a stranger, neighbor or co-worker very often.
But none of these explanations can hold a candle to the power of the mind. Psychosomatic disorders are widely acknowledged. Hypochondria is a very real thing. The placebo and nocebo effects have been scientifically documented as both real and highly powerful again, again and again.
The very IDEA, running through your mind, that "I might catch the flu from my family member" sets off an immediate mental program that can quite easily lead to experiencing it physically. Likewise, putting this thought into the minds of your kids plants the seeds as well. See any similarities with what the media and government have been trying to do to the masses lately?
I believe most dis-eases are indeed psychosomatic in origin. Carcinogens are completely a lie. Metastases is completely a lie. Clogged arteries is completely a lie. Heredity and genetics are <mostly> a lie (rare exceptions). Environmental causes are <mostly> a lie. Food/Nutrition/Diet is <mostly> a lie (unless the diet is just atrocious of course) There's literally no "proof" of any of these things causing cancers, heart disease, heart attacks, lung diseases, kidney diseases, etc. It's all theory, all supposition when you get down to the brass tacks.
As such, I believe the reason "the flu" SPREADS amongst family members is very commonly a result of mental worry/fear/anxiety. I also assert that it is rare when the whole family gets it simultaneously. And when only one person gets the flu, it is for the purpose of toxin removal, electrical rebalancing and general re-alignment to changes in the environment that the body was unable to gracefully adjust to.
Unfortunately, I do not have a 70 trillion dollar budget to prove all this definitively. I have spent years studying this subject and these seem to be the very best explanations that I have arrived at.
It is much easier for me to tell you EXACTLY what causes each different type of cancer, certain heart diseases, pneumonia, tuberculosis, hemorrhoids, herpes, kidney stones, etc. as these are very precise dis-eases with precise symptoms, when properly diagnosed and documented (which they aren't always).
But "the flu" is really indicative of a myriad of symptoms where it's rare that multiple people present in precisely the same way beyond simply "not feeling well" and having a fever.
And finally, when a whole household "comes down with the flu", one should never discount the even more obvious potential cause which could very well be either food, water or air poisoning of some sort which very frequently goes undetected thanks to the dominant "germ" narrative that saturates our awareness today.
That's quite a surprise . You must have a close family and very commonly-shared beliefs if so. Dare I say, you're all "expecting it" may very well explain this situation, which is the exception, not the rule in my experience.
Correct and the most likely explanation.
Indeed. Never underestimate the power of belief and expectations
All illnesses start first with a sympathetic response. We call this the "cold phase" - cold hands, feet, lack of appetite, chills, difficulty sleeping, mind racing. Usually this is the extent of it. What establishment medicine fails to understand is that coupled with sympathetic phase is the vagotonia phase that follows sometime later - the hot phase. Sometimes this is mere hours, sometimes it arrives after years, possibly decades in terms of so-called "allergies", which are indeed find their origin in a psychosomatic reaction to an unexpected event. The ongoing so-called "allergy" recurring is a rejection of the resolution which would allow the vagatonia to complete itself. All this being said, it's the "same dis-ease". So if modern medicine defines say 10,000 different diseases, the truth is, there are only 5000 unique dis-eases that involves both the sympathetic and vagatonic phases.
I would tend to agree. A pure artist is tuned into different realms/dimensions which is where they derive their "gifts" from.
True, however I think it has much more to do with the duration and intensity of the rejected feelings/emotions that are stored in the body. Said another way, the more severe the trauma that has been repressed, as well as the duration of time that has elapsed are better indicators of the intensity of the "Covid symptoms" IMHO. Simply put, a repressed childhood trauma would lead to far more intense covid symptoms than say something that happened to a middle-aged adult 1,2, 5 or even 10 years ago. That's not a hard and fast rule as the intensity of the trauma certainly bears the most weight, but merely an example of what I'm suggesting.
You are correct. Lyme's disease, is falsely attributed to a tick bite and bacteria. However, all "chronic dis-ease" has at its origin, an UNEXPECTED event/shock/trauma that catches you off guard, and, as such, leaves you unprepared to gracefully deal with it in that moment. You can trace the onset of any dis-ease, like lymes, to just such an event. You will have gone through the sympathetic symptoms, the "cold phase", and will spend at least a few days with thoughts of the event racing through your mind, but unable to arrive at a solution/resolution to the situation you faced. It is some time after this, that the symptoms of a "chronic disease" begin to appear. For something like lymes, it would likely be days/weeks after. For something like an organ cancer, it could be many years before a tumor is discovered.
Lyme's is a tricky dis-ease to deal with as symptoms vary widely amongst patients, because we are dealing with many different "dis-eases" in this case. However, the onset of lyme's can typically be traced back to a "separation conflict" traumatic event. And this can go many ways. It could be related to either an unwanted physical separation, as well as a psychological separation. And likewise, the onset of what is known as "Lymes" can also be triggered by you WANTING to be separated from someone, but being unable to do so.
What is fairly common following a Lyme's diagnosis in many patients is that it leads to an "Existence conflict" trauma, in which the patient is fearful that that "life as they once knew it" may never return, thus threatening their once comfortable "existence". A whole new host of symptoms arise accordingly. And then from this, many other conflicts can and do arise, all of which get bundled under the moniker "lyme's disease" as establishment medicine has virtually no explanation for virtually any dis-ease that is accurate.
It should be fairly easy to understand that if lymes was caused by a bacteria, a stout round of anti-biotics every time there was a "flare up" would take care of the symptoms anyway. But anti-biotics (against-life) only serve to exacerbate the underlying issue, preventing vagatonia (healing) and at best, suppressing symptoms for a short while.
And yes, to answer your question, by attending a "Lymes support group", one is re-affirming their apparently helpless situation. This would be highly counterproductive from a psychological standpoint and only serve to strengthen your awareness of "being sick".
In order to really wrap your head around what I'm saying, you literally need to see dis-ease in a completely different way for starters. Not as something to shun, not as something to "get rid of", not as something to "fight" and "eliminate" at all costs. This mindset is so completely counterproductive as to be literally insane. And yet, this is what we are taught by "the experts" and is dominant in our western cultural indoctrination.
Every single dis-ease you've experienced actually has a purpose to maintain your survival. Said purpose is to protect, defend, enhance, improve the ability of the body to survive a perceived threat/problem/conundrum/difficulty. Our psyche is primitive in origin and does not relate to the world in the same way as our egos (personalities) do. To the psyche, there is no past, no future, only HERE and NOW exist for it. It reacts to the mental machinations of the ego as if the threat is a REAL and PRESENT danger. And as such, the psyche goes into action to protect the body from the perceived threat.
And I should add "Psyche" is really not a good word to be used as it carries nothing but negative connotations now - e.g. "Psychotic", "Psychopath" "Psychophant", "Psychological disorder" etc. The word has been "negatized" as I like to say. The Greeks used the word originally and it declared the psyche to be "the seat of the soul". Thus a high, noble position in our makeup. As such, a much more accurate word I like to use when talking with people is to say "Soul-Somatic", which I feel conveys a much more accurate and representative meaning, as it is the "soul" that truly operates the body and this is what the great artist is far more in tune and harmony with, using your example about artists.
How is this resonating with you? It's a lot to take in I realize. Stepping into the realm of vibration and energy is a much larger step outside the mainstream paradigm and I hesitate to dive into it unless there is some degree of understanding with the physical/matter explanation first, along with a light "dusting" of the "soul" stuff. :)
Perhaps the most difficult part of this is realizing that western medicine hasn't trained its physicians to find causes for diseases, and it would seem, whenever possible, finds a way to keep us partially healthy, but never fully, until we reach retirement age. This appears to be the case based on my research. It's perhaps the "toughest pill to swallow".
So let me know what you think about what I've said above when you have time to digest it and what questions you may have.
I will start by saying it will be helpful for you to begin releasing the idea that you have "lyme disease", as this is really a catch-all term attempting to describe a variety of different symptoms that establishment medicine has NO EXPLANATION for, in terms of causation. I believe his will be very helpful for you in the short term.
As I suspected, the symptoms you list indicate you are presently "Constellated", meaning you have had multiple "conflict shocks", likely one leading to the other. In other words, all of these symptoms don't tie to a single event, a single tick bite. You should however be able to think back to an event leading up to your first symptoms or diagnosis. If you never had the target tick bite on the skin, you can likely rule out the "separation conflict" suggestion.
Are all your symptoms largely psychological then? No physical, bodily manifestations?
To give you a sense of how this works, consider someone receiving a cancer diagnosis - say stomach cancer. This is indicative of someone who was unable to "fully digest" an event in their lives. Thoughts in the mind would be things like "I can't accept this", "I can't stomach this", etc., even though you had no choice but to eat/swallow it. The psyche sees this as a real-time threat and begins the process of proliferating new tissue in the stomach in order to increase the strength and quantity of digestive juices in order to help the body "digest" that which can't be accepted. The relationship is symbolic in this sense.
Upon receiving the cancer diagnosis, and perhaps being told by the oncologist that you have "1-2 years to live", this sets off another new "conflict shock", this time it is a "fear of death conflict". This sets off a new biological program in the body, as the psyche fears present and imminent death (not future death). The psyche signals the body to begin proliferating extra lung aveoli to help increase oxygen intake, as lack of oxygen is the quickest way to die. As long as the "fear of death" program is mentally run, this proliferation of lung tissue continues. Months later, the oncologist tells the patient that the stomach cancer has "metastasized" to the lungs as one or more tumors are found. However, no such thing has really happened. Metastasis is a lie. If it were true, all blood donations would be screened for cancer cells.
Thus, instead of this patient having "cancer running amok in the body", they are running two programs in their psyche; #1 Something that can't be accepted/digested (stomach cancer). #2 Fear of death (lung cancer).
Tuberculosis is the "hot phase" of "lung cancer". They are really one and the same "dis-ease". Should the patient get over their fear of death, TB mycobacteria are recruited into action to breakdown the excess lung tissue, at which time blood in sputum, coughs, etc. may appear (which could set off a whole new program BTW, if the patient doesn't understand what's happening). Likewise, if the issue that couldn't be digested is finally accepted, mycobacteria will break down the excess stomach tissue, and during this process bloody stools or blood in the urine may be seen. Frequently doctors then diagnose UTIs, Crohn's disease, Ileocolitis, etc.
Hopefully this all makes sense. Had the patient understood this process, all of the "Medical interventions" could have been avoided, which almost always only serve to exacerbate and complicate matters. However, in fairness, should an advanced cancer obstruct a vital process, surgical intervention must obviously be done.
Now, cancer is a relatively simple dis-ease to diagnose and explain. Your list of symptoms indicate something a bit more complicated. As I said earlier, your symptoms are what is known as a "Schizophrenic Constellation". And to be perfectly clear, the word "schizonphrenic" used in our context simply means that a person is conflict-active with two biological conflicts that correspond to both brain hemispheres. Specifically in your case, depression and paranoia. Since you are not "manic", this rules out the bi-polar and very specific "manic depression" (bipolar) diagnosis. Yours would be a "Primary Depression", or "Unipolar" as described in allopathic psychiatry. This is an important distinction.
Now, in searching for a causal relationship, we have to be careful and clear on a few items. First, whether you're left-handed or right-handed. On the surface this seems simple enough, but in reality it's not. If you place your hands in your lap like you're at a concert for instance, and the artist finishes their musical piece, lift your hands up to clap as an appreciative audience member. Which hand is on top? Another test you can do is rise from being seated and look to see which foot you NATURALLY step forward with first. Hopefully you have a match here. I happen to be right-handed in literally everything I do, however for the clap and step test, I clap with left hand on top and naturally step forward first with my left foot. Thus, in terms of this modality, I'm considered "left-handed". So be careful and clear on this guidance.
Second, we need to understand your hormonal status. Are you pre or post menopausal? If pre, as far as you know, are your hormonal ranges normal, especially estrogen?
Once the above 3 factors are clear (handedness, pre/post menopausal, hormone levels), we can almost certainly identify the causal relationship, the "conflict shocks" that took place that led to your current situation. This in itself can be a tremendous relief. Understanding the cause is a tremendous help. Resolving the conflicts are made clear and can then be addressed. It's difficult to "cure" something if one doesn't first understand the "cause".
I understand. This all is a tremendous red pill that doesn't go down easy. Almost nothing we've been told that can't easily be verified and has a direct and profound impact on the way we interact with and perceive reality is deceptive in nature. But there's a valuable purpose for it all, as hard as this is to believe. Having gone down the rabbit hole back in 2008, I can tell you, the other side of it is beautiful and incredibly relieving. But it takes some time. I can explain later if you like. Suffice it to say, there is a reason for it all and it's quite amazing when you can finally reconcile and see through it. Do you have a spiritual/religious orientation? If so, how powerfully does it impact your life, on a scale of 1-10?
Agreed. Trauma care is its only redeeming quality
Yes, the power of the mind (and dreams) is underestimated by the masses to a factor of a kajillion times. This is the PRIMARY deception of western culture.
These are all powerful questions. I would like to help point you in the correct direction. Don't get overly bogged down in trying to "figure it all out" just yet. My hope is that you will first experience a sense of relief that in fact it's possible that this is the case. You should begin to feel a sense of empowerment and liberation knowing that you are not a "victim" of anything, but in fact, in total control of your experience. This ida alone can create a tremendous shift in your reality.
Correct. Other than natural-based symptom alleviation, there is no need for the vast majority of pharma medications
Good questions. Quite possibly both. The placebo/nocebo effect is tremendously powerful.
I will share this with you shortly. I happen to be taking a 16-weeks advanced course on "Schizophrenic Constellations" at the moment. It's a complicated topic and very easy to misunderstand many aspects of it. One of these aspects being that sometimes it's better for someone to remain "constellated". I know that sounds horrible to you, and I'm not suggesting this is the case for your present circumstances, but we need to be careful when proceeding. Sometimes the "hot phase" of resolving certain conflicts can be fatal. For example, diabetes and myocardial infarction (heart attack). Both can be resolved in "most" circumstances, but not all.
I have helped upwards of 200 people now, having only been at this for about 2 years. I have yet to see the diagnosis, symptoms or resolutions be inaccurate. It's an amazing modality that I'm 100% certain is accurate. Hopefully you'll feel a real sense of relief around this as well.
Please see the questions I've asked above and hopefully you're comfortable answering them. If not, do not worry. I can offer some immediate guidance as well as sharing more details as to this modality.