The Surveillance and Political Spying Operations Highlighted by John Durham Are the Tip of the Iceberg
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I honestly think he is part of this plan. He educated so many of us on FISAGate. And he was always referring to the storm via his red-headed actress GIF.
He went to Washington, stayed at the Trump hotel, supposedly talked to an FBI investigator in Wyoming that seems to be the lead FBI person responding to Sandy Hook and says very little about all of those trips???!!
And then he doomed and scattered many of us to the wind, or hopefully to GAW, as seen here.
He had at least one big column I read about his trip to DC. He had a name and went to that person and told him, this is why the information you want is hidden. After that there was a little flurry of progress. But, knowing too much too soon and talking about it would be bad for planning on both sides. Q would have to shut him up for white hat safety.