Wait, whut? Rodney Joffee, the executive named in Durham's indictment, just happens to have a HAM radio license? Like Nelly Ohr did, too, remember her? Funny how they all have the SAME arcane hobbies, sending secret morse codes to each other? IN FACT, PEPE IS DECIPHERING A SECRET IN THIS ONE HERE!!!
🧐 GAW Easter Egg 🤔
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suggested resources? next local class is end of March and I want to be able to get a basic setup after I get approved
HamStudy app
This website. I mostly took a bunch of practice exams and reviewed what I didn’t understand. There are only so many possible questions you could get. I’m a lowly Tech.
Thanks for this. I bought an inexpensive handheld ham just for receiving if there's no other communication. Now I'm kinda getting the itch to take it up a notch.
I teach a review course for a certified exam in my field. A big key people miss is practice tests. Take several tests, do some review of weak topics, you can pass it fren.