I am watching the super bowl. I am laughing my ass off at how many black people they are putting in commercals. And I am black!!!
Here is the thing.
I told you guys I am a Software Engineer. I am also a certified digital marketer.
This whole woke shit is how marketing people operate. Anything that is considered to be trendy.
All of them will start to copy each other.
I follow a guy named Russel Brunson.
He is a millionare.
He isn't some big corporate name.
He grew a company by bootstrapping it. Lives in Idaho and a Christian man.
I saw one of his commericals on YouTube today. It was a black guy.
This is how marketing works if you don't know the business. They copy what they think is trendy.
I don't expect the woke stuff to last forever. It will calm down to some degree.
Yes... I do think seeing more black faces is here to remain.
But it won't be pushed like they are doing it now.
Every marketer is seeing what other marketers are doing. So they do what they do.
They are copying campaign scripts.
Check out the website https://funnelscripts.com/
The purpose of this website is to sell marketers templates they can use to sell people via a campaign ad.
When you hear the word political stragetist. That's really nothing but a marketer.
A political stragetist will also use sales scripts and campaign messages that they share amoung each other.
This is why you see so many black faces.
It's marketing people saying.
"Well.. everyone else is doing it. So it must be a trend.. So we will do it to".
Once enough places lose money on the woke campaign messaging because it's over sold.
They will calm it down for sure.
Yeah its absolutely ridiculous. Companies can do what they want with their money and ads but its absurd to the extent they go with the wokeness. Black people are roughly 13% of the population. Yet, from commercials, you'd think 50% or greater. Every commercial with a white, has to have a black. And the white is always portrayed as the idiot or punchline. Every commercial with kids has to have every race and both genders represented. Any family is usually multiracial. Again. Idgaf, but is absurdly obvious and painfully forced. Like, its okay to just have one race in a commercial lol
What's crazy about this. Black people aren;t in the position to force this.
As you said.
We are 13 percent of the population.
It's white CMO's/CEO's who are doing this.
I know. Its the white guilt, liberal women who are pushing a lot of this and catering to other white liberal women. My leftist wife swoons and coo's over all this. If she sees a black baby she is extra cutesie with the baby and talkative to the mom. She doesn't do this with white babies. I hate white liberals lol. I treat everyone the same. Based on character, actions, personality, my perception of them as a human. So race, gender and sexuality do not factor into my opinion of that person.