I am watching the super bowl. I am laughing my ass off at how many black people they are putting in commercals. And I am black!!!
Here is the thing.
I told you guys I am a Software Engineer. I am also a certified digital marketer.
This whole woke shit is how marketing people operate. Anything that is considered to be trendy.
All of them will start to copy each other.
I follow a guy named Russel Brunson.
He is a millionare.
He isn't some big corporate name.
He grew a company by bootstrapping it. Lives in Idaho and a Christian man.
I saw one of his commericals on YouTube today. It was a black guy.
This is how marketing works if you don't know the business. They copy what they think is trendy.
I don't expect the woke stuff to last forever. It will calm down to some degree.
Yes... I do think seeing more black faces is here to remain.
But it won't be pushed like they are doing it now.
Every marketer is seeing what other marketers are doing. So they do what they do.
They are copying campaign scripts.
Check out the website https://funnelscripts.com/
The purpose of this website is to sell marketers templates they can use to sell people via a campaign ad.
When you hear the word political stragetist. That's really nothing but a marketer.
A political stragetist will also use sales scripts and campaign messages that they share amoung each other.
This is why you see so many black faces.
It's marketing people saying.
"Well.. everyone else is doing it. So it must be a trend.. So we will do it to".
Once enough places lose money on the woke campaign messaging because it's over sold.
They will calm it down for sure.
I am looking at is differenting.
Marketing people are assuming that something is in demand., Because they are seeing others do it.
So they will copy because they don't want to miss the trend. Part of creating ad campaigns. Is to look at trends. Those trends will be things like
What are the popular hair styles What is the popular music What is the popular food. What type of people look popular.
Those types of decisions are made when someone comes up with a marketing campaign.
There are 3 audiences to consider.
1.Cold - These are none buyers yet. You want them to become aware of your message.
Warm - These people know who you are. They haven't purchased anything yet. But maybe given you their information like an email address.
Hot - These people have purchased something from you and will most likely buy again.
When someone spends money on a Superbowl ad. They are doing so from Brand Awareness Purposes. These fall in the bucket of cold audience campaging.
Yes it's a form of propaganda. But we must ask.
Why is it spreading so fast?
That's because the Cabal knows. Marketing people are nothing but copiers.
They will copy each other based on what is preceived to be trendy.
not to worry, when the trend for specific template is over, they will just rearrange it. the point is - the trendsetters are coming from above. And they will end the "trend" when THEY decide to end it. Hollywood movie ratings are dying for decades - it does not stop anyone from swapping genders, races, and push political propaganda. Billions are at stake and noone above cares. All else is marketing theory.
Don't they understand that the white majority will see this as pushed and they will lose billions because of it????
These fuckers are idiots!!!
as I said - they could not care less about the money. Money is all theirs and always has been. They tell you what money is to begin with.
Very good points.
Like “the vaccines are safe and effective”?
IMHO: Copies of copies of copies dilutes the resolution of the first image.
Thanks for teaching me something new, today. :)
Yes.. it's a copy and paste business. Marketers are always looking to copy and paste working sale scripts.