tbh we need to take back the whole cable network too. All that shit was built by American tax money and does not belong to faggot Google or Amazon or any other big tech faggots, whoever they are. We The People get the LAN and the satellite wifi. Fuck anything short of this.
Comments (6)
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Honestly people who go on about Star Link being the internet miracle are kind of dumb. Like, they ignore pretty much everything about it, and propagate that it's some sort of freaking magic because Musk is involved with it.
Have you ever looked at the actual internet speeds? It's barely better than regular satellite internet. The only "upside" over regular satellite is that is has less connectivity problems since they're in sub orbit rather than being in actual space like most satellites.
But the biggest problem is the fact that everyone seems to forget the fact that to have access to StarLink, you need a freaking StarLiink receiver. You can't just magically get StarLink internet through your Xfinity/Verizon wifi router. So anyone talking about StarLink as if it's some magical super tech that will solve every internet problem is a moron who doesn't know what they're talking about.
so... you need an antenna for an internet which will cover almost the entire world, in speeds better than we have now, and for some reason, it's not an improvement?
It's REALLY not magic, but try saying that this isn't an ABYSMAL improvement to people living out of the grid where other companies don't even bat an eye.
Companies that you cited have to manually expand to rural areas, while Starlink will cover most of it, even in the deep Kongolese Jungle you'll have quality internet with great ping.
Starlink is in another level compared to almost every satellite internet we have, and just by striving to cover most of the world with it, it's undeniably the biggest step towards integrating isolated areas into the world.
It'll not solve every problem, but will solve most internet problems that can be solved.
Right now the biggest problem is related to Costs of the Antenna and Service, which are quite high, but if you even knew how bad most of the world outside the US is in relation to rural internet you would not be talking shit about it.
in most Rural Areas of Brazil (country which i'm from, where the vast majority of the area is rural), Satellite internet is too expensive and doesn't give 1/10th of Starlink bandwidth, also, the Ping is really bad.
I'm more referring to these people that think that when the blackout event happens we're all magically going to somehow get "internet 2.0" through StarLink without people having the proper equipment to actually receive a signal. It IS an improvement over regular satellite without a doubt, but again, it's not some magical super tech that can defy the laws of physics to give us all internet when the kill switch is flipped like some people seem to believe it is.
Wait, there ARE people who think it's Internet 2.0?
this is insane on so many levels
Pretty sure that will Happen at some point.
They can have the whole Pedo tainted cabal cable.... I don’t want it anyway it’s tainted by Bill Clinton holding up one piece of fiber-optic saying: all the Mother’s Day phone calls in the entire world can fit on this...
In fact I think it’s good for the American worker and legacy to build new clean foundations and not use these tainted pathways of they’re discusting crime world. They will have to exist under a microscope in our clean and functional Infrastructures. We can just strip it down to a gitmo phone system/ Pay-per-view tribunals & executions and that’s all it’s purpose ever needs to be