I saw this comment today on an Instagram account. Posting as an FYI: I’m not familiar with the groups, I’m not on Facebook. (I’m my saying People’s convoy group is bad. Sounds like problems with FB groups.)
info going
around that 2 convoys called
People's convoy and the USA
Super convoy who have Facebook
groups are shady. Apparently
there's been harassment of people
in the group and suspicious
dealings. People on our side have
been set up before and that is a
great possibility during the convoy.
New York Freedom Rally IG has
made a statement. Does anyone
have more information on these
two groups?
Reply from the Instagram account:
Freedom Convoy USA 2022
We are not
affiliated with the Peoples
convoy for those reasons. I
have also never heard of "USA
Super Convoy"
" please send the
resources to our DM
I saw this comment today on an Instagram account. Posting as an FYI: I’m not familiar with the groups, I’m not on Facebook. (I’m my saying People’s convoy group is bad. Sounds like problems with FB groups.)
Reply from the Instagram account: Freedom Convoy USA 2022