posted ago by Blue-collar745 ago by Blue-collar745 +13 / -0

Just made me think about how all these accusers are female. There is something psychological about this and the Metoo movement. I believe they are tied together. Me and my friend were legit terrified to have a Job where we show are face become of the constant threat of being falsely accused. Both conservatives and liberals are very Gynocentric and revolve around men being more masculine or soy to please women. How have all these accusers not been arkancided yet if they are truly innocent. John McAffey did say Epstein was gay and liked boys. Then there’s the fact that some of the accusers stories didn’t add up and even contradicted each other. The society that we live in, both conservative and liberal parts of it, are so cold and hostile to male accusers and to the male victims of false accusations. Look at the Michael Jackson stuff. Those boys’ stories were so obviously fake and it almost seemed staged. The one time male accusers come out, it’s debunked almost immediately and gets a ton of backlash. I am not trying to demean ANY female victims, I am just trying to speak about the male side of things. This seems fishy.