I was talking to a buddy who lives out a good ways east of me in Kentucky. The topic of human trafficking came up. He told me there was a warehouse out near him that he thought trafficked children. I looked it up and called him back asking if there was an owl logo. This is the place.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

3301 can also be read as 331
While the Q post is appreciated, this is akin to taking a picture, then comparing the photo you just took with a Q post. There's no relevance unfortunately. If there is correlation, that's just creepy! Maybe time machines do exists, aye? Just kidding. In all seriousness, this is a creepy set of circumstances.
Ok I will stop sharing Q posts in the future. Wait, no I won’t, I’ll disregard your words completely and simply be happy that you wasted your time to write them.
I didn't say that, calm down and take a breath. I said someone took a picture of something, then you correlated it to a Q post, I think that is wasted energy. What if I draw a 17 on a whiteboard and post it? Will you make a q post about it? That would be just as silly. Change my mind
I'm not saying don't post about Q related things, just make it ... related. Is anon poster part of the Q team? No? Not comms.
I think it’s that my brain can’t process your writing style. I honestly have no idea what you’re saying or have said. It’s not you, it’s me. Sorry for the confusion