21 Hilly don’t look so hot. Why is she so pale and look like she’s losing her hair? The stress of what’s to come is getting to her. 🥴 This pic was posted a day ago but it doesn’t even look like her. Anyways if you’re dying, go ahead and die reptile. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by KittyQ 3 years ago by KittyQ +21 / -0 10 comments download share 10 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I believe that is a double with a specific intention of appearing frumpy and haggard.
The real Killary would have certainly been wearing a pair of $3000 Gucci Sunglasses.
There is no way the real Killary would be allowed out of her jail cell. That assumes she is still alive, which I very much doubt.
Personally I believe they are on clone 654, sides of beef don't last long outside the fridge
Can’t show her face for the fear she will be prosecuted by the public. I hope someone eggs her in public.
It was the video of a reporter calling her out for snooping
Doubt the real HillDog would ever be seen like this lol.
She looks like someone’s dying grandma instead of a grandma on a power trip like 🥴🥴 I think this is finally it for the bitch