Again, I'm sorry but I have NO ONE to help me. I've prayed and prayed and I don't know what to do. I will probably get ridiculed for this but I literally don't have a choice. I need advice . My son and only child is deeply into drugs and alcohol is on a fast downward spiral . I HAVE TO SAVE HIM. What can I do?
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An update with a few things. Some smartphone apps have shown to help with this
1.) Goal-based app; make any daily goal and a 7-step plan of action to accomplish it.
2.) Game that focuses on problem-solving aspect of the mind. (30 minutes per day 6 days a week)
3.) Daily heath tips for motivation (ex: Go walking, take a shower) There may be better apps out there, do more research. I just read this study and those were the ones cited. From what I gathered 1 and 2 were the best of the 3, long-term.