452 Getting real tired of Tulsi Gabbard simps. Do some bare minimum research for the love of God. If you can't do that here is your bare minimum post Cabal Info posted 3 years ago by MichiganMAGAMan 3 years ago by MichiganMAGAMan +458 / -6 1. 2. 3. And this is just the bare minimum. What are her policies like? Grow a brain people. This post isn't for the majority here because most people around here aren't brainless. 150 comments share 150 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Redpills for ya:
NPC isn't just a left thing.
Most of the right still thinks George Bush was a great president.
Most Republicans are only awake in the sense of "Democrats are bad".
Not all lefties are asleep, not all righties are awake.
Just say something bad about Rand Paul. They'll come out foaming at the mouth.
Jim Jordan is #2.
MTG... let's just say we're better than we used to be.