What we knew all along, is finally becoming a little more main stream: masks protect against nothing (only FITTED AND TESTED N95 masks have any semblance of protection)-but still hospitals and doctors’ offices cling to masks because they are told to and it is a means of control and intimidation; the PCR test never worked-Covid 19 was never isolated so they used the common cold as a base for testing and placed the settings high enough to test positive to instill fear; the numbers were never accurate-it was all about instilling fear, power and control; our medical system has shown their corruption-anything for money including continuing hospital treatments of remdesevir (causes organ damage) and ventilators which promote the final kill. Code as a Covid death and the money from government pours in. The hospitals and doctors are intimidated with loss of license and hospital privileges if they don’t follow the narrative of Big Pharma, government agencies (CDC, FDA, NIH, HHS, Boards of Health/Health Department), and their very own AMA, AAP, and nurses ANA. It is not about the health of the patient with most doctors and hospitals, it is about money and control.
What we knew all along, is finally becoming a little more main stream: masks protect against nothing (only FITTED AND TESTED N95 masks have any semblance of protection)-but still hospitals and doctors’ offices cling to masks because they are told to and it is a means of control and intimidation; the PCR test never worked-Covid 19 was never isolated so they used the common cold as a base for testing and placed the settings high enough to test positive to instill fear; the numbers were never accurate-it was all about instilling fear, power and control; our medical system has shown their corruption-anything for money including continuing hospital treatments of remdesevir (causes organ damage) and ventilators which promote the final kill. Code as a Covid death and the money from government pours in. The hospitals and doctors are intimidated with loss of license and hospital privileges if they don’t follow the narrative of Big Pharma, government agencies (CDC, FDA, NIH, HHS, Boards of Health/Health Department), and their very own AMA, AAP, and nurses ANA. It is not about the health of the patient with most doctors and hospitals, it is about money and control.