One of my family was on a business call with someone from Toronto. The Toronto person said that only 20% of Canadians would be in agreement with the truckers. What is the perspective of Canadians who live in other parts of the country? Is this just a big city, asleep person illusion?
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I have been on the side of the road with a flag and it’s much higher than 50/50. I always thought that Canadians were completely brainwashed but I was wrong. There were a lot that just drove by but when comparing honks to jeers I can confidently say it’s got to be 75% for the truckers. Keep in mind I also live in a liberal hell hole. My guess is silent ones just have no opinion? If you include the silent a 50/50 comp would be fair.
Public poll results are published to sway opinion. Private polls report actual opinions.
I agree, but was wondering if the sentiment of what’s reality was different in rural areas versus cities or coastal areas versus inland for example.
Polling Toronto and applying it to all Canadians is like polling San Francisco and applying it to all Americans. Not representative.
Very likely, and with out diving into the details of the questions, and who paid for the poll, it is impossible to know.
Many people here are just sick and tired of it all, I would say it is close to 50/50 divided between freedom lovers and the "govern me harder" types. I think most people want freedom, but idiots don't understand what that means until you take away whatever freedom means to them personally.
That's fcking bullcrap. I talk w/ many random people. They do NOT agree w/ this. Legit talked to some random Somalian dude not too long ago and HE started talking about how the masks were bullcrap. Not even remotely the minority, either. I talk to random ppI all the time. When I discuss the jab, not joking. Maybe 80% agree w/ me before I say much, whereas the other 20% don't. Until I start talking and citing information, haha. The bwashing isn't working no more.
It's a big city thing. Canadian cities are infested (yes, infested) with libs.
I have heard 50/50
I think that’s closer a closer ratio. It would be more in favour if it weren’t for MSM, as lot of Canadians bought into their bullshit.
I have spoken to people who are convinced the truckers are violent, stealing things and throwing garbage all around. They say if it was peaceful and non violent, the news would say so.........idiots.
I live in the "Golden Horseshit" an hour east of Toronto.
My wife, brother and I are the only people I know who support the convoy. That said, I've been a recluse since the pandemic started, so there may be more supporting than I know. (I hope!)
Me too!
I live in the US. My friend is Canadian and 1/2 agrees with them but feels bad for the businesses and all the honking. Also has said they don't care how many jabs they would need as long as they could go home.
Not one person at my work has mentioned the truckers since they have been here.
What percentage of Canadians agree that the Government should demanding banks freeze accounts of people that donated $40 or more to the truckers?
What percentage of Canadians agree the the police should arrest the trucks and kill their dogs?
Good questions!
Go to a freedom convoy and it seems more like 90/10.