433 Globalists knew their mandated injections would lead to worldwide uprisings & civil unrest. They predicted it in the 2010 Rockefeller document Lockstep. How to handle these uprisings was discussed & rehearsed ahead of time – "label them as criminals & shut down their finances." (archive.ph) Cabal History posted 2 years ago by XGemInaV 2 years ago by XGemInaV +433 / -0 27 comments share 27 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Find patriot bankers who will move money to keep it from cabal.
And, as this has been already going on--take your money out of the banks and keep it safe yourself. What kind of interest is the money making in a bank anyway? If they haven't locked you down already---GET YOUR MONEY OUT.
I’m beginning to think we should tank their economy, before they do it to us, leave them nothing to take.