They moved from eating BUGS to eating PEOPLE real fast!! Is this the media trying to get ahead of DECLAS e.g. human meat in Maccy D burgers etc??

We don't have food issues... we have water infiltration issues.
Food would grow from the ground just fine if the ground had water in it.
The cabal is desertifying God's planet.
Just available water has always been a problem. Arizona used to make money from citrus and cotton. Farms were replaced with houses. With swimming pools. Finally we are up against the wall, waterwise, and the best farmland is under suburbs.
And the farmland that's left is growing gmo corn and being sprayed with chemicals constantly.
Nobody is catching and holding water during the rainy seasons so droughts wipe out whole crops.
We've really made a mess of things. And somehow places of "enlightenment" such as this website are full of climate deniers.
Just because the idiot college educated socialists don't fully understand man-made climate change (or anything, really) doesn't mean it's not real.
One of the cabal's greatest accomplishments is getting the 'left' to scream about all the problems they create so that the 'right' dismisses them.