344 This murdering, deep state, pedo scumbag just bought a farmhouse and land 5 minutes from my house in Vermont. He better not walk into my business any time soon. Not everyone in this state is a liberal assclown. Hoping to see you soon fuckface. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by ftc316 3 years ago by ftc316 +344 / -0 50 comments download share 50 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Don't sell him a gun. Tell him that we can't trust him with a movie prop. We'll be damned if we're gonna give him a real gun.
Hell, take him hunting and put antlers and spray some musk on him. Tell him that's how Vermonters flush the big bucks out. Have fun.
Oh, give him a deer or elk call too and tell him to blow it loud and constant too
Nah, just tell him he failed the background check. That’ll hurt his ego more than anything else you could say or do.