Torchys Tacos - an evil Satanic restaurant chain...
Was going to eat with a friend recently and he wanted to dine at Torchys Tacos. I had never been there but thought, "Okay, I'll see if there's something there that I could eat." Met my friend outside the place and as I approached the front door of the restaurant, I stopped dead in my tracks as the dual door handles were shaped like red freakin' pitchforks!
I literally would NOT touch the door handles - got a major wicked vibe instantly. I went, "OMG - this place is EVIL! That's a Satanic symbol on the DOOR HANDLES!" And then I see their company 'mascot' is the Devil himself!
I looked in the window and there was a giant lit sign on the back wall that said "DAMN GOOD!" and the whole place was color schemed in black and red. Very cold and hollow type of vibe in the dining area. Told my friend, "NO WAY am I eating here! This place is E-V-I-L! Just wanted to warn you guys in case you weren't aware of this restaurant chain's demonic symbology and nature.
Here's some pics of this evil Torchys Tacos restaurant at various locations...
I neeeeeeeeeeeeeever eat at McDonalds. Always hated their food, since I was a little kid. Their food made me puke my guts out.