Don't believe the lies of the split narrative.
🧠 These people are stupid!
These insane lefties, that you see so much of, are a small minority. They represent about 15% of the population. It took a lot of their resources to even get this percentage. The reason that they seem more numerous is because they are the ones that get all the media coverage and are put in positions of power (at great expense). The leftest protests are mostly made up of paid goons (again at great expense). What I am trying to say is that we outnumber them BIGLY.
Got a lot of brainwashed people with them tho. Some areas of the country have dense populations of them, too.
Just people who've been lied to. We do need to remember that we've all been there at some point – lied to/believing the lies. A lot of people are about to suddenly wake up, and it's going to be an UGLY day for them. When the strings are cut for the bot networks and shills... they won't have anyone that "agrees" with their brainwashed thinking anymore, either.
It's coming. Soon. We need to be ready to guide these people to the truth and point them to Jesus, the only constant that never lies and loves them.
Lied to. Yup I remember.