My understanding is, they allow the NWO army on their soil with the pretext of guarding Chinese real estate investment or something like that. There was talk of Chinese soldiers training in Canada even as of 2020.
Using them against peaceful protesters is of course unconstitutional and illegal, hence probably why the uniforms are unmarked.
It was pleasing to see Trudeau hide for two weeks, claiming he was self quarantining because he was exposed to someone with Covid... and then claiming he contracted Covid (after being fully vaccinated)... It was clear that his Jew World Order masters didn't know what to do.
I have a horrible theory about that: the reason they culled all the most submissive liberals first is because the Harry Potter Banking Goblins don't want compliant slaves.
They believe they are a divine master race and they plan to be just that and wear their six pointed Star of Remphan as a symbol of their supremacy and dominion. They want us to resist them and hate them so they can enjoy torturing us. So they can play with us.
I've studied how the Jewish Bolshevik leadership behaved during the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. The first thing they did to Christian Prisoners Of War was to remove their teeth and fingernails because prisoners were biting and clawing open their own wrists because their torture was so fucked-up. And they weren't torturing the Christians for intel - they were torturing them for fun. Research it yourself if you never want to feel whole again.
If this is how ZOG / the New World Order behaves BEFORE their Great Reset when they plan to enslave everyone and steal everything...
...imagine how they'll behave when we can't fight back?
They hate us almost as much as they hate Jesus Christ.
I remember in the olden days on Qresearch they had done tons of dig into "UN soldiers." Its getting more and more believable by the day.
I guess part of getting the enemy to rush faster is to make them play their cards sooner.
My understanding is, they allow the NWO army on their soil with the pretext of guarding Chinese real estate investment or something like that. There was talk of Chinese soldiers training in Canada even as of 2020.
Using them against peaceful protesters is of course unconstitutional and illegal, hence probably why the uniforms are unmarked.
It was pleasing to see Trudeau hide for two weeks, claiming he was self quarantining because he was exposed to someone with Covid... and then claiming he contracted Covid (after being fully vaccinated)... It was clear that his Jew World Order masters didn't know what to do.
Covid is also a code for "detained by white hats". Perhaps the White Hats did not want him messing around until this point.
You think they would've already enacted their plans already have it not been for people waking up?
I have a horrible theory about that: the reason they culled all the most submissive liberals first is because the Harry Potter Banking Goblins don't want compliant slaves.
They believe they are a divine master race and they plan to be just that and wear their six pointed Star of Remphan as a symbol of their supremacy and dominion. They want us to resist them and hate them so they can enjoy torturing us. So they can play with us.
I've studied how the Jewish Bolshevik leadership behaved during the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. The first thing they did to Christian Prisoners Of War was to remove their teeth and fingernails because prisoners were biting and clawing open their own wrists because their torture was so fucked-up. And they weren't torturing the Christians for intel - they were torturing them for fun. Research it yourself if you never want to feel whole again.
Jesus gave us the heads up that they hate us BECAUSE they hate Him.