I've been reading the Anne of Green Gables series, on the last book now, which takes place during wwi... She has 3 sons go to war, from Canada, and all left behind put all their time into helping with the red cross, and waiting for news from the front lines... it's so sad, even through their fictional characters, to read how involved and invested these folk were in 'the cause'... Generations duped by a false sense of duty.
Let the power of your ancestors flow thru you
Your British example is actually an Aussie digger in his slouch hat.
I've been reading the Anne of Green Gables series, on the last book now, which takes place during wwi... She has 3 sons go to war, from Canada, and all left behind put all their time into helping with the red cross, and waiting for news from the front lines... it's so sad, even through their fictional characters, to read how involved and invested these folk were in 'the cause'... Generations duped by a false sense of duty.
What are you getting at?
We cannot let the puppeteers ( CIA and their stooges) set off another war. They're trying to set Ukraine on fire and get us to kill each other again.
Yes, that's true. I don't think they'll succeed with Ukraine. Least time they tried in Ukraine, they only got a nasty smouldering civil war.
right! we don't need any more wars.