Thanks to its rigid rules (go figure! :), German is WAY easier to pronounce from the spelling than English, e.g., for ei and ie.
(The whole "I before E except after C" thing in English is almost useful. Just for fun a while back, I shared a fat list of words with -ie- after c. And the list of words with -ei- not after c is too long to share.)
+1 right you are ie = eeeee ei = eye
fixed, thx
Thanks to its rigid rules (go figure! :), German is WAY easier to pronounce from the spelling than English, e.g., for ei and ie.
(The whole "I before E except after C" thing in English is almost useful. Just for fun a while back, I shared a fat list of words with -ie- after c. And the list of words with -ei- not after c is too long to share.)