both are shit (ios and google android) but at least if my privacy is threatened on ios i can sue apple, but if my privacy is threatened on google android you can't sue anyone since it's free open source software, and that anyone can manipulate.
Privacy - lol. You are not the administrator of your device, apple or android (unless you have gained root access). Part of this whole deep state gig was selling people "devices" that they do not control. META deleted 1 billion faces (full biometric facial data for unlocking the phone) when they were brought to heel.
Facebook- with perfect digitized 3d models of your face and fingerprints too from earlier phones.
both are shit (ios and google android) but at least if my privacy is threatened on ios i can sue apple, but if my privacy is threatened on google android you can't sue anyone since it's free open source software, and that anyone can manipulate.
Privacy - lol. You are not the administrator of your device, apple or android (unless you have gained root access). Part of this whole deep state gig was selling people "devices" that they do not control. META deleted 1 billion faces (full biometric facial data for unlocking the phone) when they were brought to heel.
Facebook- with perfect digitized 3d models of your face and fingerprints too from earlier phones.
Privacy. Lolololol.