That’s AWESOME!! My word, I could ramble-on about my memories there! I lived in a suburb that had a B&M railroad station downtown and we would hop on the train & just go into Boston for the day. I started doing that around the age of 13. Took about 25-30 minutes and stopped right behind the Boston Garden. I went to Bruins games, Celtics and a multitude of concerts. After a Bad Company concert…I swear half my school was there…they had to stop the train twice on the way home cuz classmates of mine were so messed up they climbed on top of the train. The diesel engine exhaust vented above on the roof of those behemoths and it got cookin around 50-60mph so not too smart. Heck yeah memories!!
That’s AWESOME!! My word, I could ramble-on about my memories there! I lived in a suburb that had a B&M railroad station downtown and we would hop on the train & just go into Boston for the day. I started doing that around the age of 13. Took about 25-30 minutes and stopped right behind the Boston Garden. I went to Bruins games, Celtics and a multitude of concerts. After a Bad Company concert…I swear half my school was there…they had to stop the train twice on the way home cuz classmates of mine were so messed up they climbed on top of the train. The diesel engine exhaust vented above on the roof of those behemoths and it got cookin around 50-60mph so not too smart. Heck yeah memories!!