Today is President's Day.
Traditionally, the Market is closed today.
That means today's gains on DWAC and tomorrow's gains on DWAC are going to come in at the same time tomorrow.
Everything going on today is speculation, which means controlled by their algorithms and the international appeal. The US Market is not entirely reflected in the current numbers.
Since they are naked-shorting the stock, a "day off" means they cannot anticipate just how much of a splash it is going to make.
That's why Truth Social announced a delay to mid/late March and then span around and did it on the 21st like they said they would anyway. It was an easy opportunity to feint the market.
I expect some hedge funds are biting their nails right now. Tomorrow is gonna be explosive. Expect censorship and hush-hush on some people taking the window exit tomorrow in New York.
It would make sense, given the heat of everything going on right now.
But we've been disappointed before, and I doubt it will be the last time to get our hopes up and things just get progressively worse as the days go by.
My current date for "suicide weekend" is set for the week of March 29th.
I have my own reasons, but they aren't yet substantial enough to nail down and not look like just another nutjob.
I'm waiting for one more sign that March 29th is the week, with all hell breaking loose April 1st.
After that, the Plan will be clear. After that, comes the real hard part -- cleaning up after The Storm.
A whole town can vanish in a single night, but the blood, sweat, and tears necessary to rebuild is a recurrent cost that can take a lifetime to pay back fully.
And, of course, some things cannot be replaced, like the Loved ones we lost along the way.
Tomorrow will be a loss for us. That is "their" day to win a battle, because their obsession with the date will cause them to go all out. Their foolishness will cost them dearly, however. So much is riding on a fairy tale that they will have sacrificed their Queen and not realize that their boldness was just a silly attempt to look competent. It's a bluff, and a poor one at that.
Everything is set for March 4th, after the 10th day. Too many things are lining up for it. If these things I've made tall claims on come to pass, you may ask how I knew. The truth is? I didn't.