Yes, because that is what it is - glutamate. It is used in food as a flavor enhancer - mostly because if they did not add it, nobody would eat their crappy processed food. As an excitotoxin, it excites neuron activity. Manufacturers have tried to sidestep more aware consumers by hiding this compound under other names. Some products can contain more than one form of glutamate type compounds - any type of protein additive more than likely contains glutamate. People that use sugarless gums and breath mints are taking in glutamate. It is everywhere. As far as the vaxxines, as I already stated, I hope that this closer look at what is being injected into everyone and the corruption behind it, also causes pause on the rest for further investigation.
You mean like msg? The covid19 vaccines have definitely turned a lot of people full blown antivaxxers
Yes, because that is what it is - glutamate. It is used in food as a flavor enhancer - mostly because if they did not add it, nobody would eat their crappy processed food. As an excitotoxin, it excites neuron activity. Manufacturers have tried to sidestep more aware consumers by hiding this compound under other names. Some products can contain more than one form of glutamate type compounds - any type of protein additive more than likely contains glutamate. People that use sugarless gums and breath mints are taking in glutamate. It is everywhere. As far as the vaxxines, as I already stated, I hope that this closer look at what is being injected into everyone and the corruption behind it, also causes pause on the rest for further investigation.
Me. I always took flu shots. I was waiting to get old enough for the shingles shot. My kids always took their vaccinations. NO MORE!
As well as the c19notvax having switched off the "humanity" and "empathy" areas of the Karens' brains
Read this to learn about vaccines: What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong Dawn Lester, David Parker