Rumors that she will run in 2024 with people saying she might win!
Ummmm, there's an ace card.
Michael. That is all. Shut down, it is over after that. Dumbass libtards ignore the fact that she's a tranny. Just like they put Hillwhore, the most hated woman in America as their frontrunner.
They can't govern. Every large dem run city is an absolute shithole. But Libtards don't get it and keep voting for them because they want to live in their sinful immoral lives and feel accepted.
They can't pick the right candidates. Think of if they picked Bernie in 2016. That MIGHT have been a problem for Trump. But no, they picked Hillwhore.
Just a cesspool of retarded people coming together and cheating. They couldn't even do that right. Anyone that still votes Dem is straight up retarded.
If anyone on this board even slightly believed Michael would run for pres, they are in the wrong place. Appreciate the gusto though.