Canada Has By Vote, Become Officially Communist.
At a vote of 185 to 151, the DemoLibs of Canada have successfully made their PM TruDope a Communist Dictator by agreeing to formally vote in his “Emergency Powers”! God bless the Conservative people of Canada, and have no mercy on the Communists that have allowed Tyranny to overthrow their country. Stand tall America. Russia, Brazil, a handful of other countries, and we are all that stand against the World Economic Forum. And We Will Win.
They disregarded all of the truckers and their supporters. There is only one way now. The people must fight to take back their country. They need to gather their guns and arm themselves because this is only the beginning. Get their money out of banks now. If people in the U.S. don’t wake up now, this is where we will be heading. Arrest Soros and sons, Gates, Fauci, Schwab, Clinton’s, BHO, GB, and all of the Communist supporters now. It looks like Schwab was in New York on 9/11. Did he come to see that GWB carried out his NWO plans? Klaus Schwab is a Rothschild, let that sink in. That perverted piece of cow dung wants to kill a good portion of the population, starting with whites. Guess he failed to look at his deviant self in the mirror and see that he ticks all boxes: deviant, white, elderly, NEO pusher, Communist.