Same eyebrows, ears and nose. Don't see any similarity in Greta, though I know twin women who look nothing like each other: different characters, speech, mannerisms - so much for astrology.
Only Identical twins look alike because they both come from the same egg. Twins can be from multiple eggs and be totally different--one male and one female----or whatever gender they suppose now a days! KEK
Same eyebrows, ears and nose. Don't see any similarity in Greta, though I know twin women who look nothing like each other: different characters, speech, mannerisms - so much for astrology.
Only Identical twins look alike because they both come from the same egg. Twins can be from multiple eggs and be totally different--one male and one female----or whatever gender they suppose now a days! KEK
Yes I know, but these don't even look like sisters, products of the same parents. Weird.