I just started listening to the Hobbit/LOTR on audiobook. The hobbit was INCREDIBLE. I’m on fellowship OTR now.
I will not accept drinking or drugging as an answer. If you “dabble” that’s cool but it’s not a hobby. If it’s all you do, I suggest learning a new skill.
Don’t tell me this isn’t a Q post. For all you know, I am Q
I prep.nevery time I make a purchase, I think how I am protecing my family and giving my finger to the DS. I also pray but have trouble turning God into a vending machine. These three things help immensely. My husband just got diagnosed with cancer the week. I have no control over what is happening now I am deep cleaning the house in preparation for his chemotherapy. just one more stress to manage.
Look into alternatives to chemo, the chemo kills more than it heals! Coming from a pede who lost a close one to cancer.