I’ll admit it- I feel that way bc the whole world is ran by pedovore satanists who hate our guts 😂. And yeah, maybe I just need to take like 3 days to not pay any attention to the news. I don’t think I’ve taken even a day off from it in over two years. When so many things happen every day, it’s hard to look away without feeling like you’re gonna be behind. Plus I’m at home and bored a lot of times anyway so might as well look and see what’s going on. I do need to figure out how to come to terms with death… I have always been Christian, and even more so the past few years, but it still doesn’t stop me from being scared of it. I will check out that guy on YouTube. Thank you for real
don’t think I’ve taken even a day off from it in over two years. When so many things happen every day, it’s hard to look away without feeling like you’re gonna be behind
ive felt this way as have many on this site. consider this, biologically what is the drive for information, what does "knowing" whats going on provide you? from a survival standpoint it can provide you an advantage in preparation for what is coming. However, consider we were never supposed to have this much access at our finger tips. heck trump has tons of people working for him gathering info and he/they still dont know it all.
taking a step back what is going on? you're the deer in the headlights. you see it coming, but you're stop and you cant stop staring or move to avoid being hit. that is exactly what is going on when you stay in the matrix self too long.
You already know why you feel this way and you know what these monsters are capable of. So assume they will do it, then plan on how to mitigate some/all of it as best you can - the local self, have food/ water / some survival gear. if you plan this way you dont need to worry about the specifics of what happens as you will be prepared for everything.
If you havent taken a day off in 2 years..... please do. that would drive anyone crazy! the matrix will always be there, but the time you waste inside of it cannot be reclaimed.
Wish you the best ladypede! feel free to reach out if you want someone to ramble a wall of text back :P
I’ll admit it- I feel that way bc the whole world is ran by pedovore satanists who hate our guts 😂. And yeah, maybe I just need to take like 3 days to not pay any attention to the news. I don’t think I’ve taken even a day off from it in over two years. When so many things happen every day, it’s hard to look away without feeling like you’re gonna be behind. Plus I’m at home and bored a lot of times anyway so might as well look and see what’s going on. I do need to figure out how to come to terms with death… I have always been Christian, and even more so the past few years, but it still doesn’t stop me from being scared of it. I will check out that guy on YouTube. Thank you for real
ive felt this way as have many on this site. consider this, biologically what is the drive for information, what does "knowing" whats going on provide you? from a survival standpoint it can provide you an advantage in preparation for what is coming. However, consider we were never supposed to have this much access at our finger tips. heck trump has tons of people working for him gathering info and he/they still dont know it all.
taking a step back what is going on? you're the deer in the headlights. you see it coming, but you're stop and you cant stop staring or move to avoid being hit. that is exactly what is going on when you stay in the matrix self too long.
You already know why you feel this way and you know what these monsters are capable of. So assume they will do it, then plan on how to mitigate some/all of it as best you can - the local self, have food/ water / some survival gear. if you plan this way you dont need to worry about the specifics of what happens as you will be prepared for everything.
If you havent taken a day off in 2 years..... please do. that would drive anyone crazy! the matrix will always be there, but the time you waste inside of it cannot be reclaimed.
Wish you the best ladypede! feel free to reach out if you want someone to ramble a wall of text back :P