Fasces (a bundle of rods/sticks with a projecting axe blade, carried by a lictor in ancient Rome as a symbol of a magistrate's power, and used as an emblem of authority in Fascist Italy.) (Also prominently displayed in the US Senate)
Faggot (a bundle of sticks or twigs bound together as fuel.)
In fascist/authoritarian systems homosexuals often end up in positions of power. I would suggest that it is not a coincidence that the term "faggot" became a slur against homosexuals. The fascist left is currently filled with these faggots.
Fasces (a bundle of rods/sticks with a projecting axe blade, carried by a lictor in ancient Rome as a symbol of a magistrate's power, and used as an emblem of authority in Fascist Italy.) (Also prominently displayed in the US Senate)
Faggot (a bundle of sticks or twigs bound together as fuel.)
In fascist/authoritarian systems homosexuals often end up in positions of power. I would suggest that it is not a coincidence that the term "faggot" became a slur against homosexuals. The fascist left is currently filled with these faggots.