So I was fired back in October from Blizzard Entertainment because I told my team that I wasn't going to get the vaccine after our development team leaders said in a 400 person meeting that they were likely going to Require vaccination when we returned to the office in a few months.
The official reason that HR gave me was that I "shared something that was divisive and caused a disturbance and that was against company policy."
Many in my company who know me think it's total BS and was wrongful termination - I have all of their reactions in Text format (Linkedin and such).
I have the entire event captured on Video.
Everything - Everything from the team meeting where we were told the requirement would likely be happening - to me sharing with my 10 person small discipline team - to HR contacting me about a "report" she was given - to me talking to my Boss and telling him HR felt like they were looking for a reason to fire me - to my Boss saying he would never let that happen because of how valuable I was to the team (I was being trained to replace him when he retired) - to the meeting the very next day with HR and the Production Director giving me that BS reason and my boss being audibly upset at them for firing me for this BS reason.
Everything is on Video.
The one issue is - California has laws about recording people who don't know they are being recorded, and I don't know enough about those laws and how they apply to this situation to feel not at risk of getting sent to jail for releasing these recordings.
Any thoughts from the crew here?
Also on video - I have two team members saying "Man, all we have are f'in white guys." and "I hate that it's all white guys." - after we reviewed resumes and applicants for a position we had open.
I was gobsmacked that they said it - replace "White" and "Guys" with anything else and there would be RIOTS screaming Racism!!!
I have been waiting to release these videos when the time is just right - again though, I'm hesitant because I don't want to go to jail and I don't know recording laws in California well enough to feel confident I won't.
So I ask again - any experts here that have insight?
I've even considered blurring out the faces and putting an effect on their voices to skirt around recording laws.
Yeah - that makes sense. I've had moments where I felt like that.
I don't have fear about it - I'm pissed about it and want the world to know how Blizzard functions on the inside.
I am trying to calculate the timing and manor of which I go about it though. I imagine that somewhere along the line here, all of the news that we've been privy to starts rolling out in even more mass then it has been lately - and I'd drop these videos in with that landslide - pouring gas on fire.
I already have a new job - and it pays better. Getting truth out there is all I'm interested in.
So I was fired back in October from Blizzard Entertainment because I told my team that I wasn't going to get the vaccine after our development team leaders said in a 400 person meeting that they were likely going to Require vaccination when we returned to the office in a few months.
The official reason that HR gave me was that I "shared something that was divisive and caused a disturbance and that was against company policy."
Many in my company who know me think it's total BS and was wrongful termination - I have all of their reactions in Text format (Linkedin and such).
I have the entire event captured on Video.
Everything - Everything from the team meeting where we were told the requirement would likely be happening - to me sharing with my 10 person small discipline team - to HR contacting me about a "report" she was given - to me talking to my Boss and telling him HR felt like they were looking for a reason to fire me - to my Boss saying he would never let that happen because of how valuable I was to the team (I was being trained to replace him when he retired) - to the meeting the very next day with HR and the Production Director giving me that BS reason and my boss being audibly upset at them for firing me for this BS reason.
Everything is on Video.
The one issue is - California has laws about recording people who don't know they are being recorded, and I don't know enough about those laws and how they apply to this situation to feel not at risk of getting sent to jail for releasing these recordings.
Any thoughts from the crew here?
Also on video - I have two team members saying "Man, all we have are f'in white guys." and "I hate that it's all white guys." - after we reviewed resumes and applicants for a position we had open.
I was gobsmacked that they said it - replace "White" and "Guys" with anything else and there would be RIOTS screaming Racism!!!
I have been waiting to release these videos when the time is just right - again though, I'm hesitant because I don't want to go to jail and I don't know recording laws in California well enough to feel confident I won't.
So I ask again - any experts here that have insight?
I've even considered blurring out the faces and putting an effect on their voices to skirt around recording laws.
Here's the thing. Look at my comments on this thread.
I contract for the Federal Gov who told everyone a few weeks via DHS memo that I am considered a Domestic Terrorist.
You know what I say about those laws you're afraid of which is preventing you from exposing the truth?
FUCK IT, be fearless and fight back with the TRUTH.
The truth sets you free.
If I can make a CEO tremble from just my voice and info regardless of this evil agenda narrative, you can do it too.
Yeah - that makes sense. I've had moments where I felt like that.
I don't have fear about it - I'm pissed about it and want the world to know how Blizzard functions on the inside.
I am trying to calculate the timing and manor of which I go about it though. I imagine that somewhere along the line here, all of the news that we've been privy to starts rolling out in even more mass then it has been lately - and I'd drop these videos in with that landslide - pouring gas on fire.
I already have a new job - and it pays better. Getting truth out there is all I'm interested in.
I'd say the time is now. Truth Social is already rolling out and I just woke up at least 100 people lol
Lol nice.
Yeah, I've been feeling like that opportune moment is here or very close.
The last couple of weeks have given me a lot of "Are you awake yet?" campaign ammo that is hopefully having some effect.