Q Account on Truth Social??
Account validity?? Coordinates posted in series 1:5, 2:6, 3:7, 4:8?? Rather interesting locations!! Have fun!!
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

Type in the 1st line as Latitude, and the 4th line as Longitude, and see where it takes you. Continue in that series for all locations. Hint 1st set of coordinates takes you to an island in the Caribbean. The last series, could it be a signature??
I did:
1 matches with 5: An island in the Virgin Islands
2 matches with 6: Paris
3 matches with 7: New York
4 matches with 8: In the ocean but between 2 airports? Maybe a flight path?
We got a winner. 1: Little Saint James, 2: Prison in Paris, 3: Detention center in NY, and 3: Jr. crash site.
The French prison is La Santé, which is where Brunel got whacked. The one in New York is Metropolitan Correctional Center. You can probably guess who got whacked in there.
That island is Epstein's island BTW in case you didn't know.
Yeah, I realized that almost as soon as I commented, but didn't at first. I didn't want to go back and edit my comment to claim the info that u/the1 clarified for me afterwards. So I just left it at "An island in the virgin islands" lmao
Integrity move.
I probably would have made the edit and attributed the correction.
You can correlate that set of coordinates with the archived videos of Rusty Shackleford from Epstein's Island.
Check again. Should place you in the water Southwest of Martha's Vineyard.
JFK jr crash site: SW of Martha’s Vineyard. Idk the exact coordinates though
Yikes! Just call me Magellan.
For real?
I deleted my post because I could at least find the delete button : )
The last should have been off the coast of cape cod.
Isnt that where JR splashed?
That’s where his plane went down.
If you do 1st and 2nd lines as lat and long, 1st 2 lines take you to somewhere in Slovakia