Rob Braxman has many topics on Google and Apple's harvesting user data without you knowing and the claims of "Privacy" from these Big Tech companies. These companies are lying to you to get your data.
Hopefully this will help those who are blind to big tech's intentions. Lots of informative videos on his channel as well. The video below is titled "Does Apple Quack Like a Duck?"
Outside of getting a burner what options do you have? apple delivers the best experience across all their device types.
I thought so too until I got the new galaxy note last year.
What are you enjoying that apple didnt offer?
Chargers that don't break every couple of weeks, an amazing camera, and great screen! And the ability to customize. Honestly the hardest part to leave behind was imessage. I still miss that sometimes.
Right, the experience is better for a price that I am not willing to pay anymore (hidden harvesting of data)
Calyx OS or Lineage OS. The base OS though will be AOSP (Android Open Source Project)
The problem arises when you need to sign in on your phone. De-googled phones you do not need to sign in. They just work.
And is your ultimate goal just not to be datamined? Thanks for the alternatives, haven’t seen those yet
To be anonymous on the internet. This way big tech has no way to create a profile on you based on what you do on the internet. We all know this can lead to authoritarianism.
I am running Lineage OS. Used to run Apple. Yes, there is an adjustment but you just need to be willing to make the change.
My first phone was the droid X LONGGG time ago and I loved it. Ive been on apple since when I was stuck in a different state and needed a new device when my droid got dunked in a drink. Ive stuck with apple for the practicality, i dont hack on my phone anymore because I dont have the time basically. A lot of people are stuck in this predicament either time or ability to do what your telling me. There have been some attempts of making simple safe smartphones with paired down features. You gotta also think hardware level too and not just software. Elites realize smart people can get around them with custom linux solutions and need to have a back door somewhere