posted ago by Dempsey ago by Dempsey +26 / -0

This video explain it, or you can read my brief summary below:

Here's a video message from Jeremy McKenzie about / aboot this.

Here's an archived backup of the same video: https://files.catbox.moe/o23hho.mp4

Much of Trudeau's justification for his declaration of a National Emergency may have based on the treat of Diagalon insurgence and militia attempting to overthrow the Canadian government.

The country of Diagalon was recently created by livestreamer Jeremy McKenzie as a joke, as satire, as a meme, complete with it's own map and flag. Followers of Jeremy McKenzie 's YouTube channel were flying the Diagalon flag during some of the Freedom Convoy 2022 peaceful protests.

Canadian legacy mainstream media have been lying about the treat that Jeremy McKenzie represents and he has been discussed during Canadian House of Commons debates.

The Trudeau administration may have pretended that Diagalon / Jeremy McKenzie was a legitimate terrorist network and a threat to the Canadian government and they used the flags and the unrelated "car full of weapons" within their classified justification for the national emergency.

The Canadian Senate are now discussing ratifying the national emergency. Jeremy McKenzie wrote a letter to every Senator that explained the joke of Diagalon.

There's a good chance the Trudeau may have been forced to end the national emergency because he became a laughingstock within the Senate and now has zero chance of the Senate ratifying the national emergency.