Ukraine is the DS money laundering capitol. How many (mostly Dems) had unqualified kids or spouses on the boards of Ukrainian energy companies paying hundreds of thousands a year and up for no-show jobs? Alot. How was Iran able to get all the money out the US paid it to not develop nukes? Ukraine > Vatican banks > back to line the pockets of people involved in the deals.
I think this is possibly alot bigger and different than it appears. Like the "war on terrorism" and "Operation Desert Storm" and other conflicts we never should have been in.
Putin is saying it's not an invasion, it's an "Operation" Sure he could be lying but what if it is? He's no friend of the Deep State. They don't have Kim Jong as a boogieman anymore. They always need one and the media has been painting him as one for a while now. Priming your minds to accept this.
War sure would be a good excuse for the dollar to collapse and hyperinflation which is already happening either way. Now they just have something to blame it on. Not the first time either.
I'm waiting for more info that's NOT from the MSM.
Bandwagons, in general, are for normies and the easily brainwashed. Listen to your own inner discernment and act accordingly. Me personally, I have no brief with either Russian nor Ukrainian politics, but it's instructive to watch our MSM and dithering "Dear Leader" fulminating about RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA.... again. Silly fools.